Monday, August 24, 2009


Today, early up again.. nid to reach skul at 9.. Praba kelas tam.. Haha, he damn good to us lo.. Our class only three hours.. Others must more than 4 haha... Haha, mayb we too pro dy...
Revise back mayb chapter.. And today he gav us test on our time to finish q's.. I am so damn happy whey.. Two q's.. Dokumen sumber and penyata pendapatan dan kkk... Haha.. I am the fastest whey... Dokumen.. 24 min.. Actually can faster. but some mistake.. pp and kkk.. wow.. 10 min.. 10 min le... last time i nid more than 20 min.. and i won ben.. wakakaka.. lagi happy lo.. shuang tao... he said chong ann bee 9 min oo.. haha.. i can win her next time.. sure i will.. but i don really care all tis la.. i only wan win my record.. like praba said... fight urself to get better record like those atlit did... I will.. haha...
After kelas tam.. haiz... someone ask me go eat.. at cs.. curry fish head.. Again did somethin tt very very embarassing.. The first time is at tang tea with skl, natt them.. Now at the curry fish head stall.. We sat down and the spoon and cilies send to us dy.. Then we ordered.. curry fish fillet.. but they said don hav, only got fish head.. then my frenz said, cao lo.. then ran away.. dui nian nia...Then went into cs for lunch lo.. Suddenly, a person call.. Saw tt num.. then knw sure hollyshit liao.. Whey, i at bus liao.. one more hour reach jb, come out le.. Haiz.. he back from mersing.. Haiz.. No choice, cant decline.. I break promise to myself again... Actually i wan study phy today.. Then.. go cs liao... The time also past dy lo.. No study lo.. The worst is i skip two tui today le.. haiz.. come back around . but no mood to tuition liao.. very sian... din go lo..haiz...
Someone there sure say.. haiz.. ler ah ler... u no cure liao la.. am i rite?? sorry la.. 2moro i din go out.. can study liao.. i cancel all appointment.. except friday la.. phy, chemi and sej.. must work hard liao.. i will...
Oh ya.. just now i watch the movie timetable.. seem like tt oo gou goin to xia ying liao le.. sian lo.. don knw fri still got or not.. hopefully got la.. pls..
Looking forward for friday lo.. Faster finish trial.. then holiday again.. go work.. then got money to pay someone liao.. hehe... faster faster.....
Jia you ^^


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